The Complete Pour-Over Package
The notNeutral Gino Pour-Over Collection is the complete set for brewing delicious coffee. The set includes the Gino 2.5-cup glass carafe, glass dripper, and 100 filters to begin your brewing experience. Each piece from the Gino collection is made to brew in conjunction with each other, along with . The carafe and dripper are mouth-blown and made using laboratory-grade glass that are resistant to heat, scratches, and germs. The complete Gino pour-over collection is the perfect set to begin your journey to delicious pour-over coffee. notNeutral is committed to bringing stylish and contemporary coffee accessories to the home.
Set Includes
Award-Winning Designers
Founded in 2001, notNeutral was born out of the idea that architecture is more than just a building; it is everything in the designed environment. As the design-child of Rios Clementi Hale Studios, notNeutral was a way for our award-winning transdisciplinary design firm to expand its horizons. notNeutral believes that there are many stories to be told in their designs and tell them by creating objects that become a part of your daily rituals. From your morning coffee to your evening tea, notNeutral is there. They believe that in every individual design there’s a unique experience waiting for you.
About notNeutral
notNeutral is a Los Angeles-based collaborative studio composed of architects, landscape architects, and interior, graphic, and product designers. Together, they are an ensemble of creative minds and thought leaders brought together with the common passion to bring you the very best in tabletop products. From architecture to economics to music, their diverse backgrounds contribute to our holistic design process and unique approach to developing iconic products.